Sunday 21 September 2014

Dealing With Insecurity

Inspired by Melanie Murphy and Elle Is For Living, I wanted to talk about a few issues that I enjoy talking about as well as ones which can irk me at times. So, unintentionally pessimistically, I have began with something that affects everyone. Insecurities can manifest themselves in a variety of ways such as shyness, selfishness, neurotic jealousy, negativity, humility, and bullying (thanks Wikipedia and Abraham Maslow). Some people are are able to manage them differently to others and this was the point of my video. It can be hard to face another person's insecurities especially if you are in the firing line. As I said in my video, when that happens, try to seek comfort from a person you trust and/or do something you enjoy to distract you from the hurt. Remember, a person's insecurity that comes out in the form of jealousy and bullying etc, can have trouble balancing their own emotional stability and keep this mind if you choose to directly respond to their negative comments. This can help you to better understand why people are the way they are and perhaps allow you to respond only when you feel it is absolutely necessary. In turn, this will improve your personal strength and every situation will help you to recognize others' insecurity in an empathetic way. It is all about perspective. Easy to think and easy to say but can be very hard to put it in to practice. Try your best - that is all anyone can do. 

I want to make it clear that dealing with personal insecurity and other people's insecurity that is projected on to you are very different. Knowing yourself is the best way to help you understand other people. Maybe that is for another Sunday Chat but in the meantime here are some helpful tips designed in order to help you combat personal insecurity.

  1. Insecurity is not always ugly in form. It can actually be quite humbling to disappear into your own mind and immerse yourself in your own thoughts. With insecurity comes moments of humility and personal retreat - a place for your mind to wander in order to test your boundaries and be the best you there is. Without insecurity, I may not have discovered my passion for make-up, my need to always change my hair or my latest interest of wishing to be self-sustainable. Insecurity can sometimes allow to develop your skills - this is when insecurity can be taken from the negative and it turned into something wonderfully positive for you and those around you. 
  2. Improve your self-esteem. This personal to you so each individual will vary. For me, I like to be around my family as the have the biggest, most positive impact on my life as they will always have words and actions of support, kindness, wisdom encouragement and above all else, love. I also like to wear make-up and paint my nails as this makes me feel more beautiful and boosts my self-esteem.
  3. Avoid people you know will suck you into your world of insecurity. Think of Mean Girls. It might seem popular in school but in reality, nobody wants to be that girl or be around that girl when they grow up. 
  4. Be Ru Paul. If not, just remember, "if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love anybody else. Can I get an Amen?"
  5. Sunscreen - Baz Luhrman. On repeat until it sinks in. You are more wonderful than you realise. 

That was a serious topic. I feel the need to be finish with a touch of light-heartedness so here are some "Daily Treasures..."
  • I woke up at 7am and did not get out of bed until 12.30. It is Sunday and I watched 5 episodes of The Munsters as well as that Kevin Kline film, "I Love You To Death."
  • I have Meat Loaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love" on a loop in my head and it has been that way for about two weeks. 
  • It is 2.30pm and I have yet to have breakfast. Ooops. But I have had some herbal tea. 
  • Illuminated Mirrors has majorly inflated my ego this week with their kind words over on their blog. If you are girl with a flutter of Old Hollywood in your heart then their Hollywood mirror is a must have item in your bedroom and/or girl cave. 

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